Rent too high?
Wages too low?
Rent too high?
Wages too low?
It’s time for the workers and renters of Providence to fight back. Let’s build our power! Workers and Renters Unite!
It’s time for the workers and renters of Providence to fight back. Let’s build our power! Workers and Renters Unite!
For decades, we, the Providence working-class, have been under attack, with the worst of it coming down on Black, Latinx, Asian, Indigenous, and immigrant communities. Landlords and property management groups–like Strive, RentProv, Pioneer, and Blackstone/Stonelink, just to name a few–are profiting while our rents rise, our living conditions remain subpar, and many are left houseless. Bosses are working us to the bone while wages stagnate. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
We believe we can change this. United as the working class, we can change the world!
What can we do?
SOLIDARITY in STRUGGLE: Solidarity in struggle is our strongest weapon. There are many current struggles being waged by other workers and renters, and community support will be key to our collective success.
ORGANIZE: Unite with others facing similar issues, whether it be at work, in your apartment building, or in your neighborhood, and fight back! Those in power are few, but we are the many. For example:
- Form a tenant union to improve your living conditions and fight rent hikes!
- Organize your co-workers for respect on the job and higher wages!
- Form a community cop-watch to monitor and combat police brutality!
EDUCATE: Learn your rights and spread the word!
AGITATE: We don’t face these issues in isolation. We must build as much neighborhood and worker unity as possible.
Join POWR …and build power
We are already doing neighborhood outreach, and the goal is to have community meetings very soon to discuss the issues affecting people.
Contact us if you are interested in attending a community meeting, doing neighborhood outreach, or are facing issues that you want to organize around.
Providence United Will Never Be Defeated!

Providence Organization of Workers and Renters, or as we like to say, POWR, is directly democratic – we collectively decide what problems we want to address and how to address them. POWR seeks to be the type of organized community force in Providence that sets the tone for working-class politics, relying on the power of people.
Support our work
Help us grow and expand our capabilities by donating today.